Training OKRs / Education OKRs are mostly utilized by the human resource (HR) team of a company to implement upskill programs or to provide general education and training to its employees and customers. Below are a few Training OKRs / Education OKR examples. Use these OKR templates to further create your specific OKRs.
O Establish an internal Employee Academy
KR Interview 15 team leaders for gap analysis and identifying educational needs.
KR Talk to the HR directors of five other firms about how they handle internal training.
KR Define twelve training modules and create content for each one.
KR Conduct the initial three-day team offsite to evaluate the Academy curriculum.
O Adopt a personal development plan for the team
KR Create a career path for each of the 50 available positions and get approval from team leaders.
KR Create a program for the entire PDP team.
KR Achieve an 85 percent completion rate for PDPs.
KR Choose a tool or system for tracking PDPs and ensure that 90% of users are satisfied.
O Adopt OKRs across all teams
KR Ensure all employees have a schedule for OKRs training workshops.
KR Achieve an approval rating of 85 percent on an employee survey regarding the effectiveness of OKRs.
KR Attain a minimum completion rate of 65 percent for the first OKR cycle.
O Make a training plan for each department
KR Create and obtain approval for a training program for five departments from team leads.
KR Attain an attendance rate of 85 percent for training programs.
KR Acquire a score of 9.5 eNPS for the training activities.